Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Glass Essence

My essence is glass
The casing is cracked
The lessons I’ve learned are ingrained
This man has learned
How quickly hours pass
Swept up like sand in the waves

My structure is known
And to it, I ‘scribe
I keep to the rules I'm told
But on the horizon
I see with these eyes
The chaos that threatens my soul

My hourglass, oh
It's long since been flipped
I’ve come to accept
That my clock runs fast;
With each falling grain
Fifteen more sneak past
The seconds don’t last
Too fast to complain

As structure slips by
Quickly, out of my hands
I watch as it crumbles
To nothing but echoes
A constitution
With no ruling class
And suddenly -
These walls I once knew
Aren’t so strong anymore

I fear that I’ve entered
A swan dive; where first,
I lept - comprised, strong,
My eyes tightly closed -
Til chaos came calling
And twisted my arms
It tapped on my shoulders
And opened my eyes
To show me the water;
It approaches fast
My poise slowly slips
And soon I am falling
I’m out of control
The air whistles past
Blood pumps in my ears
So I close my eyes
For as I have learned
That’s all I can do

The surface is hard
My glass walls shatter
My sand grains scatter
And soon they are swept
Mixed with water by waves

Friday, March 13, 2015

You Need

Close your eyes
And tell yourself
That monsters aren’t real

You tell yourself
Don’t listen;
It’s all in your brain
Your worries,
They hinder you
You need to break
You need to build
Do something

You do nothing
You’re paralyzed
The seconds pass
You’ve lost your chance
And as it goes
Threadlike toward the wind
You accept it
You crack a smile
And crack inside

Show the world you’re fine
And breathe
It’s hard to try
But do so, please
Your mind’s become
Your enemy
You need,
But don’t know what you need

You crack a smile;
So does your heart
And you begin to bleed

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Archer

Aim high, young archer
Unsheath your bow
Unto the heavens, defy

Your arrows plenty
And your crest displayed 
Walk steady, assured and comprised

Hold up your head
And see those you love;
They're calling your name in the crowd

No monster or foe
Is bigger than you 
The screams of the many grow loud

Your stance is well practiced
Your string is held taught
You fire; the arrowhead screams

See how the weapon
Has found its intent
Piercing the air without wings

Be strong, young archer
For your time has come
Shout your name proudly on high

By your heart's beat 
Raise boldly your bow 
And split the cerulean sky